03 In Balance

All walks of life have their own special phrases that are perfectly logical to those in the know but unintelligible to those who are not.
06 News, views and reviews
If it’s happening, going to happen or has happened, then this is where we get it in.
16 You need…
…a works Royal Enfield in your shed. Difficult to get we know, but Johnny Brittain’s HNP 331 looks just right…
18 …you also need…
…and to keep it company we say a TLR Transformations Honda TLR would be just right.

22 Super Profile (above)
There were loads of ideas but no money around in the British industry as it staggered to the end. Peter Henshaw looks at an AJS that might have been.
40 Subscribe! Subscribe! Subscribe!
As CDB is subscription only in the UK, you’ve either subscribed, nicked a mate’s copy or seen us at a show. If it’s one of the latter two, subscribe here.
52 Dicko’s view
It seems a photo of the editor’s new charge has inspired the pen of Mr Dickinson to wander into his former world of mechanicking.
59 ’cross words
Rudimentary anti-theft devices, close racing and the joy of success at all levels interests Mr Berry this issue.
72 Dirt Talk
Letters, opinions, you’re doing it wrong… you’re doing it right… all come in to CDB’s office by post, electronic communications or even the telephone.
82 Moto memories
Can it really be 50 years since a British bike won the SSDT? Yes it is. Here’s our tribute to Bill Wilkinson’s Greeves win.
11 Velo fellow
Velocette is not the first make that springs to mind when talking about Pre-65 trials, but Chris Haigh’s MAC has been catching our eye for a while.
27 From the archive
As a team event goes, pitting the might of nations against each other in MX is a good idea… behold! The MX d’Nations 1980!

36 Best in Show (above)
We caught up with Damon Wood, the owner of the Best in Show from Telford 2019… it was sunny.
66 Something a bit special
We’ve featured Clive Bussey’s bikes in the past and they’re always of interest… here’s a 125 Suzuki he’s done.
76 In the frame
BSA’s unit MX bike of the Sixties had a reasonable chassis, however Eric Cheney felt it needed a better one – we look at a Cheney B44.
54 The Classic MotorCycle Show
Not specifically a dirt bike show, but there was still plenty there for us who like to play in the mud… and yes this year it was muddy.
56 Pre-65 Scottish
The sound of classic trials bikes in Kinlochleven heralds the return of the Pre-65 Scottish to the aluminium smelting township on Loch Leven.

60 The biggest and the best (above)
Yes, the annual ‘Telford Show’, or to give it the correct title the Hagon Shocks sponsored Classic Dirt Bike Show… were you there?

44 Rebuilding to ride (above)
As time marches slowly in quarterly world we’ve adjusted things and now have three bikes on the go at once.
50 Dirt Products
Got something of interest to the dirt bike world? Let us know and we’ll tell everyone else… we’re like that you see.